Women’s Workshop 2024 Information:

Who is invited?

All ladies high school age and older whether you attend Community of Hope Church or not and any friends you wish to invite.  If you are curious to see the Bible from a different perspective that can lead to insights for your own life, please consider joining us! Have you ever thought of your life as a piece of the Big Plan God has designed?

When is the Women’s Workshop?

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Doors open at 8:45 am, workshop starts at 9 am and event ends at 3 pm

Registration Deadline: Wednesday, October 20. See how to register below.

What is the itinerary?

Our Special Guest Speaker, Kristi Stephens wants to share the story of the Bible as God’s Plan throughout history and how you are a part of that story. Materials will be provided to reflect personally throughout the workshop! We encourage you to bring your own Bible but it is not required.

We will have a morning session and afternoon session led by Kristi Stephens! Lunch will be a box lunch from Honey Baked Ham chosen by you below. We will bring our event to a close by 3 PM.

How much will it cost? 

We charge a registration fee of $15 which includes a delicious lunch from Honey Baked Ham and you get to choose which box lunch fits you best! If the cost is prohibitive to your attending the workshop, please let us know. We would not want it to prevent you from attending. Scholarships are available.

You can pay your registration fee of $15 by mail, by placing $15 in the offering plate at COH or by paying $16 online. If you prefer to pay online your registration fee will be $16 including an additional $1 fee for the convenience of online payment. When paying online, please enter $16 next to “Women’s Ministry Event” on the giving page. Please click here to pay online. (Payment online will be available as of September 23rd.)

If you submit your $15 payment at COH, please place your payment in an offering envelope with your name and mark it “Women’s Retreat”. If you prefer you can mail your payment of $15 to:

Community of Hope Church, 1435 West Royalton Road, Broadview Heights, Ohio, 44147 c/o Kathy Bohatka

What about Food? 

A box lunch from Honey Baked Ham of either sandwich, chips & cookie or salad & cookie is included in your registration fee of $15/16. Coffee, tea, hot cocoa, and water will be provided Saturday morning along with some breakfast snacks.

Please complete the registration form below to provide us with your lunch preferences. If you have any food allergies we should know about please give a detailed description of how it might affect your lunch box order. We will do our best to accommodate allergies with substitutions. However, we cannot guarantee free of contamination because box lunches are being provided by a third party. For those with severe allergies we recommend bringing food you know will meet your requirements. You can contact Kathy Bohatka at (440) 457-2296 or kathy@cohchurch.com if you would like to discuss your concerns or options.

How do I Register? 

You can register by scrolling down to fill out the form below for this event. The deadline to register is Monday, October 20th. Please submit your payment prior to Saturday, October 20th to confirm registration unless other arrangements have been made.

*Note: If you have any questions feel free to contact kathy Bohatka, retreat coordinator at kathy@cohchurch.com or leave a voicemail at (440) 457-2296.  I am happy to help you register if you are not comfortable using the form below.

What will I need to Bring?

You can bring your Bible if you would like. Nothing else is needed.

Register by completing the form below.

Register by completing the form below. If you are paying online, you can pay your registration fee by clicking here. Contact Kathy Bohatka at (440) 457-2296 or kathy@cohchurch.com if you have any questions.