Saturday: in-person at 5:30 PM
SUNDAY: In-person and livestreamed at 9:00 AM,
in-person only at 10:45 AM
Community of Hope Church has several handicapped parking spaces available near our main entrance and a drop-off area.
As you enter Community of Hope, you can visit our Connection Center to the right to ask any questions you may have or to receive a Welcome Bulletin with helpful information and Weekly Bulletin for upcoming events.
Children’s classrooms can be found in the Education Hallway through the first double doors to the right.
What to expect:
When you walk into Community of Hope, somebody will great you at the door, and you will probably see people around the Welcome Center and Café Area greeting one another and heading into the sanctuary for our worship service.
We start our service by spending 20-30 minutes singing songs as a way to worship God and focus our hearts on Him. The lyrics to the songs are displayed on screens in the front so that you can follow along easily with no prior knowledge necessary. During this time, someone from the congregation also leads us in a time of prayer where we lift up various needs, cares, and thanksgivings to God.
After the time of worship music, we have a brief break to allow children up to 6th grade to go to their classrooms and then we recite the Apostle’s Creed together as a declaration of and reminder of our foundational Christian beliefs as we come back before the sermon begins.
Pastor Doug or our teaching minister Jim Fenske will spend 20-30 minutes preaching a message from the Bible. You can listen to a past sermon here.
After the message, we close the service with one final song and a blessing by the Pastor. Personal prayer is available after services, and often people spend some time visiting with with each other in the Café area following service.
A note about children’s ministry:
Our children’s ministry classes are available at each weekend service. When we break from worship to greet one another, children are dismissed to go to their classrooms to be taught at their levels. For information about what children’s ministry we typically offer, click here. The nursery is staffed and available to children up to age 2 at both Sunday Services and the unstaffed nursery is available for parents of children up to age 2 to use as they wish during the Saturday Service.
If you're thinking about coming to visit Community of Hope and have any questions or just want to let us know you're coming, we'd be delighted to hear from you. You can email us at!
Our Café Area where hot coffee, tea and snacks are available for your enjoyment.
Our Sanctuary Area through the Double doors to the left as you enter the building.