What’s Happening at COH This Week:

Monday, March 24:

-7:00 PM Women’s Bible Study Group meets at COH and on Zoom! Led by Diane Jelinek. Contact: kathy@cohchurch.com

Wednesday, March 26:

-6:40 AM Men’s Bible Study Group meets at COH and on Zoom! Led by Pastor Doug. Contact: pastordoug@cohchurch.com

-7:00 PM Theology on Tap men’s discussion group meets at the Brew Wall! Led by Rick Toburen. Contact: rtoburen@gmail.com

* No youth classes/groups this week due to Spring Break.

Thursday, March 27:

-7:00 PM NEW! COH-U Bible Study Group (ages 18-25) meets at COH! Led by Mike Ross, Contact: mikeross@cohchurch.com

-7:00 PM NEW MEMBERS CLASS #6 of 6 classes meets at COH! Led by Pastor Doug. Contact: office@cohchurch.com

Saturday, March 29:

-5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service

Sunday, March 30:

-9:00 AM Adult Bible Study meets at COH, led by Rich Fleming, contact: office@cohchurch.com

-9:00 & 10:45 AM Worship Services at COH: Both services are in-person, 9:00 AM is live-streamed at www.cohchurch.com/online

~12:15 PM Parents Meeting for COH-Youth Group meets in the High School Youth Room! Lunch provided! Contact: Mike Ross, mikeross@cohchurch.com

-6 PM COH Youth Group (for High School students) meets at COH on Sunday Nights now! For more information, contact Mike Ross, mikeross@cohchurch.com


COH-career group (ages 26-30’s)

Meets in person and on Zoom Biweekly on mondays! Next Meeting: March 17, 7 PM - 8 PM

Young adults ages 26 through 30’s are invited to come together on Monday nights either in person at COH or on Zoom! For more information, contact Mike Ross: mikeross@cohchurch.com

Theology on Tap Men’s Discussion Group meets at the Brew Wall

Wednesday, March 26, 7 PM - 8:30 PM

Men, meet at the Brew Wall for dinner or a brew, if you like, and a lively discussion together of Biblical topics! Led by Rick Toburen. Contact: rtoburen@gmail.com

Parents Meeting for COH Youth Group

Sunday, March 30th after the 10:45 am service, free lunch provided

Parents of high school students in COH Youth Group are invited to come to the High School Youth Room after the Sunday 10:45 AM service to hear how they can support this ministry and enjoy some Chipotle! Contact Mike Ross, mikeross@cohchurch.com for more information!

Livestream Service Change

starting april 6, our livestream service will be Sunday 10:45 am rather than 9:00 Am

We will begin livestreaming the Sunday 10:45 am service rather than the 9 am service starting April 6th! We are sorry for any inconvenience. We hope to serve you better at this new time!

Pickleball & Jesus (PB&J)

first sunday of the month, Next Date: Sunday, april 6, 4 - 6 PM

Join us for pickleball, instruction, and a short devotion at halftime at Center Court in Broadview Heights on the first Sunday of the month! Cost: $5/person to defray the court rental. All levels are welcome! Contact Brandan McClaine at brandanmcclaine@gmail.com to register to participate!



All kids along with their parents are invited to hunt for 5,000+ eggs on our property behind the church! We will come inside for an Easter story for the kids and coffee & pastries for adults! Contact: office@cohchurch.com

Good Friday Worship Service


Come reflect on the cross and prepare your heart for Resurrection Sunday!

Easter Saturday & Sunday Worship Services

Saturday, April 19th at 5:30 PM & Sunday, April 20th at 9 AM & 10:45 AM

Come celebrate our risen savior at any of our three services on Easter weekend!

Evening Vacation Bible School (VBS)

Monday-thursday, June 9-12, 5:30pm - 8 pm

Children age 4 through 5th grade are invited to our Evening VBS this summer! We are also looking for volunteers both adults and youth 6th grade and up! We start with a light kid friendly dinner together at 5:30 pm! Activities include music, games, and crafts! For more information, visit: www.cohchurch.com/vbs-2025. Questions? Contact: Sara Timm, sara@cohchurch.com

Bible & Hike Trip 2025

Monday, June 16 - Friday, June 20

Looking for adventure?! COH is taking a group of 10 backpacking through the beautiful White Mountains of New Hampshire on the Presidential Traverse! We take backpacking trips because they're such an awesome way to get away from the daily grind, enjoy God's creation, stretch physical and mental limits, bond with one another (community!), and grow in faith. For more information, visit the COH Bible & Hike webpage by CLICKING HERE.

Upcoming Events at a Glance: