What’s Happening at COH This Week:

Monday, February 17:

-7:00 PM Women’s Planning Committee meets at COH and on Zoom! Led by Diane Jelinek. Contact: kathy@cohchurch.com

Wednesday, February 19:

-6:40 AM Men’s Bible Study Group meets at COH and on Zoom! Led by Pastor Doug. Contact: pastordoug@cohchurch.com

-7:00 PM FourFiftySix Youth Group (grades 4-6) and Confirmation Class (grades 7 & 8) meets at COH! Contact: office@cohchurch.com

-7:00 PM Adult Bible Study Group meets at COH! Led by James Justice. Contact: office@cohchurch.com

Thursday, February 20:

-7:00 PM NEW! COH-U Bible Study Group (ages 18-25) meets at COH! Led by Mike Ross, Contact: mikeross@cohchurch.com

-7:00 PM NEW MEMBERS CLASS #1 of 6 classes meets at COH! Led by Pastor Doug. Contact: office@cohchurch.com

Friday, February 21:

-12:30 PM Moms in Prayer meets at COH! Led by Viola Hessler! Register to be informed of schedule updates, contact: vihessler@gmail.com

-7:00 PM Women’s Movie Night, doors open at 6:30 PM! Walk-ins welcome!

Saturday, February 22:

-5:30 PM Saturday Worship Service

Sunday, February 23:

-9:00 AM Adult Bible Study meets at COH, led by Rich Fleming, contact: office@cohchurch.com

-9:00 & 10:45 AM Worship Services at COH: Both services are in-person, 9:00 AM is live-streamed at www.cohchurch.com/online

-6 PM COH Youth Group (for High School students) meets at COH on Sunday Nights now! For more information, contact Mike Ross, mikeross@cohchurch.com



Thursday nights starting February 20 thru March 27, 7:00 - 8:30 PM

Join Pastor Doug to learn more about COH for 6 consecutive Thursday nights, 6 classes total! Contact Gretchen at office@cohchurch.com to sign up!

Women’s Movie Night Showing Jesus Revolution

Friday, February 21, 7 PM

Ladies, come watch Jesus Revolution together! Snacks, drinks, door prizes! Inviting a friend?! Outta sight! We will start promptly at 7 PM due to longer movie runtime! Dress in whatever is mellow! It’s groovy! CLICK HERE to sign up!

Theology on Tap Men’s Discussion Group meets at the Brew Wall

Wednesday, February 26, 7 PM - 8:30 PM

Men, meet at the Brew Wall for dinner or a brew, if you like, and a lively discussion together of Biblical topics! Led by Tim Bohatka. Contact: rtoburen@gmail.com

Pickleball & Jesus (PB&J)

first sunday of the month, Next Date: Sunday, March 2, 4 - 6 PM

Join us for pickleball, instruction, and a short devotion at halftime at Center Court in Broadview Heights on the first Sunday of the month! Cost: $5/person to defray the court rental. All levels are welcome! Contact Brandan McClaine at brandanmcclaine@gmail.com to register to participate!

Ash Wednesday Worship Service

Wednesday, March 5, 7 PM

Take some time to reflect on all that Jesus did for us at the cross!

Vacation Bible School (VBS) Volunteer Interest Meeting

Sunday, March 15 between services, ~10:15 am

We are preparing for our next VBS this summer for ages 4 through 5th grade and we are looking for volunteers both adults and youth 6th grade and up! Come learn the different ways you can help out and what our theme is this year! Our VBS is scheduled for June 9 - 12 from about 5 pm to 8:30 pm each night including a light dinner together! Questions? Contact: Sara Timm, sara@cohchurch.com

Upcoming Events at a Glance:

  • NEW! COH-U (ages 18-25) on Thursday nights, 7:00 - 8:30 pM, ClICK HERE for more info

  • NEW DAY & TIME! COH YOUTH meets every SUNDAY night, 6:00 - 7:30 PM!

  • february 20 thru march 27, NEW MEMBERS CLASS, Thursday nights, 7:00 - 8:30 PM

  • February 21, Women’s Movie Night, 7 PM, showing Jesus Revolution!

  • February 26, Theology on Tap men’s discussion group meets at the Brew Wall, 7 PM

  • MARCH 2, Pickleball & Jesus (PB&J), 4 - 6 PM

  • March 5, Ash Wednesday Worship Service, 7 PM

  • march 16, Vacation Bible School (VBS) Volunteer Meeting between services, ~10:15 am