We believe that love is not a sentiment, but a tangible expression of what God has done and is doing for us. God has blessed us to become blessings to each other in our church family. We are committed to supporting the members of our fellowship in their spiritual, emotional, and material needs. Community groups are a great way to grow and share life with other people of hope.

Here is a list of community groups that are currently meeting (as of September 2024):

SUNDAY: Adult Bible Study

Who & What: Adult men and women interested in studying God’s Word together, led by Rich Fleming

When: meets at 9:00 AM each Sunday

Where: Community of Hope Lutheran Church in the church office conference room. When you enter the church's double doors, go through the first door on the left, down the hallway of offices to the end conference room. 

For more information, contact

MONDAY: Women of Hope Bible Study at COH and on Zoom

Meets: The 2nd and 4th Mondays of every month from 7:00- 8:30 PM in person at COH and on Zoom. Newcomers are welcome at any time! We are currently studying the book, “Amen: the Story of Scripture from Eden to Eternity” by Daily Grace Co. Copies are available by contacting Kathy Bohatka or purchasing for yourself online. For more information and to receive the reminder email, please contact group leader, Diane Jelinek by email or church secretary, Kathy Bohatka at You can also get more information and our current schedule by Clicking Here to visit our WOMEN OF HOPE webpage!

You can also participate in upcoming women’s events throughout the year for women of COH and our community. To learn more about other women of Hope’s ministry opportunities, click here.

WEDNESDAY: Men of Hope Bible Study at COH & on Zoom

Meets: Every Wednesday morning from 6:40-7:30 AM in person at COH and on Zoom. This group is open to men of all ages who’d like to start their Wednesday morning with fellowship, Bible study, and prayer. Contact Pastor Doug at for more information. CLICK HERE to go to the Men’s Ministry webpage.

WEDNESDAY: Adult Bible Study

Who & What: Adult men and women interested in studying God’s Word together, led by James Justice

When: meets at 7:00 PM on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month in sync with the Wednesday evening youth classes & groups (see below)

Where: Community of Hope Church in the Café area across from the main entrance. Head straight in as you enter the double doors to the area with tables and chairs. 

For more information, contact

WEDNESDAY: Theology on Tap Men’s Discussion Group

Who & What: Adult men diving into questions about the Bible from a new perspective, Led by Rick Toburen

When: meets 7:00 - 8:30 PM twice monthly at the Broadview Heights Brew Wall (Click Here to see the current schedule)

Where: The Brew Wall in Broadview Heights (1350 W. Royalton Rd, Broadview Heights, OH 44147)

For more information, contact Rick Toburen at or go to the men’s ministry webpage by CLICKING HERE.

FourFiftySix Youth Group (Grades 4-6) 

Who & What: “FourFiftySix” is a Bible study group for 4th-6th graders to come have fun together, explore and grow in the Christian faith, and have a great time. This group begins in the church sanctuary for a shared time of music that helps us to connect with and worship God, then moves into their classroom. It is led by Jim and Linda Morford. You can download the current letter to parents of participating students by CLICKING HERE. You can view the current Youth Group schedule by CLICKING HERE.  You can also visit the FourFiftySix webpage by CLICKING HERE. Contact for more information.

When & Where: meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesday of every month from 7:00 -8:30 PM at Community of Hope in second classroom on the left in the education hallway after gathering for worship together in the sanctuary to start.

Helpful Resources: You can download a medical release/consent form to print from home HERE. Also, the Sermon Notes form can be downloaded for printing at home HERE. The Sermon Notes form is also available at the Connection Center. Contact for more information. 

WEDNESDAY: Confirmation Class (Grades 7-8) 

Who & What: This class is aimed at helping 7th and 8th graders understand and embrace the Christian faith in an accessible, exciting way. It begins in the church sanctuary for a shared time of music that helps us to connect with and worship God, then moves into the office conference room for a small group teaching led by Pastor Doug, Gretchen Seletzky, and Selena Levy.  Contact Pastor Doug to learn more about confirmation at

When & Where: meets on 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month from 7:00 - 8:30 PM at Community of Hope in office conference room after gathering for worship together in the sanctuary to start. This class meets from September to May.

Helpful Resources: You can download the current letter to parents of participating students by CLICKING HERE. You can download the current Confirmation Class schedule for this group by CLICKING HERE. We also require a Medical Release/Consent Form to be filled out by parents by the end of September. You can download a medical release/consent form to print from home HERE. Also, the Sermon Notes form can be downloaded for printing at home HERE. The Sermon Notes form is also available at the Connection Center. Contact for more information. 

WEDNESDAY: COH-Youth (Grades 9-12)

Who & What: The purpose of their meetings is to explore, discover and grow in the Christian faith. We have fun together, fellowship together, ask big questions together, and dive deep together into the impact the Gospel has on our everyday lives. Open to high-schoolers from 9th grade through 12th grade. Contact Mike Ross at for more information.

When & Where: Meets Weekly on Sunday nights from 6:00-7:30 PM at Community of Hope in the High School Youth room at the end of the education hallway after gathering for worship together in the sanctuary to start. CLICK HERE to go to the COH-Youth webpage.

THURSDAY: COH-U & COH-Career Bible Study Groups at COH

COH-U is for young adults ages 18-25 to meet together Thursday nights at 7:00 - 8:30 PM to study God’s Word and enjoy each other’s company, led by Mike Ross. The regular meeting location is the High School Youth Room at COH to the left at the end of the Education Wing Hallway. For more information, contact Mike Ross at Another group, COH-Career, is coming soon for ages 26 through 30’s. Stay tuned! Click Here to go to the COH-U & COH-Career webpage!

FRIDAY: Moms in Prayer

Who & What: Moms of students attending Brecksville-Broadview Heights or South Suburban Montessori School District and wish to lift up in prayer their students, schools, teachers, coaches or school administrators. Visit for general information. You can also pre-register with Group leader, Viola Hessler, contact: for meeting schedule updates and to register to attend.

When & Where: Meets Weekly on Fridays from 12:30 - 1:30 PM at Community of Hope.
