Women of Hope

is a Community of Hope's women's ministry with their mission to encourage women to come together to renew our spirits through fun events, grow through Bible study together, and serve our community as the Lord leads us. We meet fall through spring every 2nd and 4th Monday of the month at Community of Hope for fellowship and bible study. Additionally, our women’s planning committee hosts a number of events throughout the year for women to connect to each other and grow in their faith. 

Please take a look at what's on the horizon below, and don't hesitate to contact Diane Jelinek with any questions. Ladies who would like to join us in helping with one of the 4 fellowship events we hold each year are always welcome to attend our planning meetings to learn more. Contact Diane to be added to our current email list for updates of the next scheduled meeting. We would love to have you join us!


Women’s Bible Study Group is on holiday break and will return Monday, January 13th at 7 PM! We will continue to study the New Testament letters from Paul in prison! 2 Timothy and Titus are next! Contact Kathy at kathy@cohchurch.com to be added to the email list for reminders of upcoming meetings.

We read each section together and then ask three questions. We have adapted our 3 question approach as follows: 1) What are the facts of what we read? 2) What insights or questions come to mind? or What does this tell us about God? 3) How is what you read applicable or relevant to your life?

It will be a great time to join us! We will meet 2nd & 4th Mondays of the month from 7 pm to 8:30 pm in person in the office conference room starting with September 9th! You are always welcome to drop in!

2025 Upcoming Events:

Our women of Hope planning committee is currently planning events for 2025 that bring ladies together to grow, serve and renew us through fun and connection. If you would like to participate in the women’s planning committee please let Diane Jelinek know by emailing Diane here and you will be added to the list who receive notice by email for our next meeting. All ladies are welcome to join us!

We plan several events throughout the year for women of COH and women of our community to attend with friends they invite along! We typically have a movie night, a spring breakfast or luncheon, a summer event, and a fall workshop or retreat. We are always looking for new ways to serve ministries in our area such as Rahab Ministries, Joshua Caleb Leadership Center and the Cleveland Pregnancy Center! We hope you will join our planning committee and bring your creativity and ideas to COH!

Ladies, thank you to all the ladies who were able to attend our Women’s Workshop! It was a great success! We have invited Kristi Stephens to speak again at our 2025 Women’s Workshop on November 8, 2025! Our movie night in February was also a great success! Thanks to all who were able to attend!

Save the following dates for upcoming events especially the Ladies’ Luncheon on Saturday, May 3rd! Stay tuned for more information about all of our 2025 Women of Hope events!