A Message From Pastor Doug, March 13, 2020

Dear People of Hope,

After much prayer and discussion with our church leadership, we have decided that the loving thing to do is to cancel our services for the next three weekends. March 14th  – 29th.  Included in this is the youth/confirmation programs for Wednesday the 18th.   We want to cooperate with the health measures taken by our state and community to slow the transmission of the Coronavirus.

Please continue to send in any prayer requests to prayer@cohchurch.com.  
We will be working on an online worship experience starting next weekend of the 21st-22.

This is not a time to be afraid.  It’s a time to grow and serve!   Why not have a worship time with your roommate or family?  Also, it’s a great opportunity to develop your secret life with Jesus.   If you are looking for a passage to read try Matthew 7:15-29.

Lastly please help get the word out. Connect with your friends and family members who may not be on our list or check their email. 

The grace of Jesus be with you,
Pastor Doug Seletzky

Community of Hope Church